Tanner Street, London

Tanner Street, London

Property Summary

Property Listings

Location Map

Site Plans


We are adding the finishing touches to a revised application for this site. The new scheme has been designed by SPPARC architects and the quality of the design can easily be appreciated.  
Designed by leading London Architects SPPARC we are excited to deliver this eye catching building. Sustainable development, good urban design and strong architectural detailing are the key principles that have informed the design. This development will achieve a BREEAM excellent rating, which means that all materials used are responsibly sourced, and sustainable. BREEAM measures sustainable value in a series of categories, ranging from energy to ecology. Each of these categories addresses the most influential factors, including low impact design and carbon emissions reduction; design durability and resilience; adaption to climate change; and ecological value and biodiversity protection. The aim of this development is: Be Lean: Use Less Energy Be Clean: Supply Energy Efficiently Be Green: Use Renewable Energy.